Write on Me Sweet Camillo By Marika Moretti E-Pattern
Patterns designed and painted by Marika Moretti; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Palette DecoArt Americana
Antique Rose Light Avocado
Avocado Dip Mocha
Bleached Sand (optional) Orchid
Burnt Umber Raw Sienna
Buttermilk Royal Purple
Camel Snow White
Fawn Soft Black
Hauser Dark Green Warm White
Honey Brown DecoArt Chalkboard Paint
Lamp Black
Additional material: Multi Purpose Sealer (optional), transfer paper, black graphite paper, stylus, paper
palette, sanding paper (fine and medium), Super Film, sanding sponge (hard), Velcro tape, Magic Tape
(3M), shabby wax or a white candle
Jo Sonja Sure Touch - Angular series 1345: ¾”, ½”, ¼”
Round series 1350 # 1, 2
Filbert (for bascoating) series 1385 # 4, 6
Loew Cornelle - Maxine Mop: ¾”, ½”, ¼
La Corneille Liner Series 3750 18/0
Ultra round series 7020 #2 (or round #3)
Princeton – series 3750 Lunar Blender ¼”
Deerfoot Stippler ¼”
Flat 1”
An old brush (if you use the wax)