Wintry Friends E-Pattern By Deb Antonick

Deb Antonick

$ 7.00 
SKU: 04-EDA202004

Design Inspiration by Terrye French and painted by Deb Antonick; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

12 x 16 Wood Canvas Panel
Available from Art Supply Stores
White Graphite paper, old tooth brush, paper
towels, palette paper, stylus
2 x brads,
Chipboard oval (or similar for sign)
Piece of drywall mesh tape
Stamp - Stampendous Believe
Brushes: available from
Dynasty Black Gold (206 Series)
#8, #6, #4, Flat Shaders 206S
#2, #6 Round 206R,
5/0 Script Liners 206SL
3/8”, ½” Angular Shaders 206A
1” or 5/8” Dynasty Decorator Series 400
Mops ¾” Dynasty Stencil Brush
Extender Medium
Glamour Dust
DecoArt Premium Tube Acrylics:
Green Gold
Cobalt Teal Hue
Titan Buff
Titanium White
Burnt Umber
Quinacridone Red
Carbon Black
Prussian Blue Hue
Burnt Sienna
Raw Sienna
Vermillion Hue
Diarylide Yellow.