White Tulips E-Pattern By Donna Hodson

Donna Hodson

$ 8.00 
SKU: 04-EDH056

E-Pattern by Donna Hodson includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.

SURFACE: 8” X 8” Wood Painting Panel by Master’s Touch, found at Hobby Lobby. You can
use any other 8” square surface or canvas. Enlarge or reduce for other surfaces. Alternate
backgrounds are offered.
PAINT: DecoArt Americana Acrylic
Avocado, Burgundy Wine (this is discontinued so any other darker pink color will work
such as Napa, Razzle Berry), Cadmium Yellow, Graphite, Grey Sky, Hauser Light Green,
Hauser Medium Green, Macha (or Olive Green), Plantation Pine, Slate Grey, Snow White,
Other: Black Pearl Dazzling Metallic
Gesso, any brand
1” wash for base coating and antiquing
Sizes 6, 10 or 12 flats
½” angle or what you use for floating.
Brush for varnishing,
Large mop
Optional: Spatter brush for alternate background
Dry brush, medium sized.
000 or similar sized script liner.
220 sand paper
600 wet/dry sandpaper or piece of paper sack
JoSonja’s All Purpose Sealer, or DecoArt’s Multi-Purpose Sealer
DecoArt Extender Medium or similar product
JoSonja’s Texture Paste or any other brand you like
Broad bladed palette knife, for spreading paste
Thin bladed palette knife for mixing paint
Tracing paper
White and old grey graphite
Varnish of choice. My preference is JoSonja’s Matte Varnish
Usual acrylic supplies