Where is Santa E-Pattern

Eliana Castellazzi

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EEC024

Patterns designed and painted by Eliana Castellazzi; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

wood shape (created by the craftsman Andrea Moroni).

Lt buttermilk DA164, fiery red DHS4, buttermilk DA03, soft blue DA210, honey Brown DA163, jade greenDA057, canyon orange Da238, dark chocolate DA065, antique gold,
Deep midnight blue DA156, thermal greenDHS5, heritage brickDA219, cocoaDA259, hauser dark greenDA133, burnt Umber DA064, mistletoe DA053, raw siennaDA093, antique whiteDA058, burnt siennaDA063, Santa redDA176, black plumDA172, soft blackDA155, french grey blueDA038, snow whiteDA01, avocado

Jo sonjas square wash 1/2 e3/4, maxine mop 1/2 e3/4, round jo sonjas 1350 n.1 - 3, flat jo Sonja 1370 n. 12, 10,8,6, oval dry brush jo Sonja 2010 n. 2-6 lineer jo Sonja 1360 n. 18/0, comb

White and black graphite paper, paper palette, multipurpose sealer