Valais Black Nosed Sheep E-Pattern

Patricia Jarrett

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EPJ037

Downloadable PDF E-Pattern by Pat Jarrett includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.


Supplies: Sticky Mesh from Creative Arts Lifestyle, #Tool582
( This is as the name implies a sticky tape. It will adhere
temporarily to your piece and then you dry brush over it. You then remove it and can
reposition it and on and on and on…I love trying new products!
Surface: Short plaque, #20-11326, Viking Woodcrafts (
Paints DecoArt Americana:
Antique Gold DA09
Bittersweet Chocolate DA195
Burnt Orange DA016
Dark Chocolate DA65
Deep Burgundy DA128
Deep Midnight Blue DA166
Fawn DA242
Lamp Black DA67
Light Buttermilk DA164
Slate Grey DA68
Snow (Titanium White) DA01
Winter Blue DA190
Mediums/Other Products by DecoArt: Acrylic Sealer/Finisher, DAS13,
Brushes by Company Name: I have listed the brushes I feel comfortable
using but you should feel free to substitute according to your preference.
Leow-Cornell – JS Mid Liner #2
Leow-Cornell – JS Mid Liner #10/0
Leow-Cornell – Chisel Blender 7450 #2
Leow-Cornell – Curved Flat 7330 #6
Leow-Cornell – Curved Flat 7330 #10
Leow-Cornell – La Corneille 7830 Mesa #4
Papillon – by the Artist’s Club #2 Shader
Royal – Soft grip SG 700 #14 flat
Soft grip SG 150 #10 flat
Royal – Crafter’s Choice Grip 9113 #1/2” Dome Brush
Old scruffy brush
Miscellaneous Supplies:
Graphite paper – grey and white
Stylus – different sizes
Clear plastic ruler
Pencil – mechanical pencil or very sharp pencil
Tracing paper
Paper towels or blue shop towels