Timberwolf Lane E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey

Wendy Fehey

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EWF232

Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.


 PALETTE: Deco Art Americana DA147 Antique Green DA195 Bittersweet Chocolate DA088 Charcoal Grey DA069 Dove Grey DA173 Khaki Tan DA067 Lamp Black DA334 Colonial Blue DA161 Graphite DA190 Winter Blue DA239 Warm White DS60 DuraClear Matte Finish (varnish) DMM21 Modeling Paste

BRUSHES: Princeton Brushes Flat Wash: 3/4 Shader: #10, #8 Deerfoot: #1/4",1/2" Script Liner: #1 Lunar Blenders: 1/2"

SUPPLIES: Wolf cut out (available from Wendy’s Way – contact directly) Natural Sponge (sea sponge) Palette knife Glue gun or glue of choice (for optional items) OPTIONAL: I got Moss from a dollar store (see in image). I picked up the Rocks and ‘Fence posts’ outdoors.