The Snowman Kit E-Pattern

Becky Levesque

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EBL0024

Downloadable PDF E-Pattern by Becky Levesque includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

I used a metal tea pot I found at a yard sale, you can adapt the pattern to any
Masking tape
Snowflake stencil of your choice
Wal-Mart brand(color place is Wal-Mart brand) grey spray primer.
Sponge roller paint brush from the dollar tree.
Pip berries optional

Material optional
Americana Paint”:
カ Lt. buttermilk
カ Black
カ Burnt orange
カ Uniform blue
カ Lt. French blue
カ Midnight blue
カ White
カ Slate grey
カ Honey brown
カ Camel
カ Khaki tan
カ Terra Coral