Sweet Country Home E-Pattern By Sharon Bond
E-Pattern is designed and painted by Sharon Bond; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions.
All parts sold separately
14” Louis Plaque – Available from www.cdwood.com – Item # 31-L890
Project Supplies:
Ultra-fine Permanent Black Marker – (Such as an Ultra-fine Sharpie, available at most stores!)
Black PITT Artist Pen, Superfine and/or an Extra Superfine by Faber-Castell (for even finer
lines.) (I would suggest two sizes for this project; such as an Black Ultra-fine Sharpie and
also a finer lined marker, also Black.)
Heart Scroll Boarder Stencil – Available from www.cdwood.com – Item # 09-19300
Tim Holtz Speckles Stencil - #THS021 – Optional, I only used this on the vase for decoration,
you can use most any stencil of your choice (chevron/polka-dots/stripes/etc...) or simply leave
it plain! I originally got the Speckles stencil from Cupboard Distributing but they no longer
have it available, however it is still available on Amazon if interested!
Painter’s Tape or Scotch Magic Tape
Ordinary Ruler (optional but very helpful!)
Ordinary Sponge (to help create the background, most any sponge will do!)
Old toothbrush or Splattering Tool
All Paints are Americana Acrylics from DecoArt:
Bittersweet Chocolate
Burnt Sienna
Canyon Orange
Honey Brown
Irish Moss
Lamp Black
Leaf Green
Light Buttermilk
Midnite Blue
Ocean Blue
Oyster Beige
Rookwood Red
Sunny Day
Terra Cotta
Tomato Red
True Blue
Warm White
Specialty Items by DecoArt:
Americana’s Matte Spray Finisher
Americana Dry Time Extender (optional, to aid with shading, etc…)
Americana DuraClear Gloss Varnish (optional)
Angle Shader ¼”
Glaze/Wash Brush ¾”
Flat Shader #6
Round # 2
Script Liner 10/0
Other Brushes from Cupboard Distributing:
#6 Oval Drybrush – Jo Sonja’s Sure Touch – Item # 03-2010-6
#8 Oval Drybrush – Jo Sonja’s Sure Touch – Item # 03-2010-8
Chris’s SPECTACULAR Stencil Brush # 4 – Item # 03-926-4