Sunset Coasters E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey

Wendy Fehey

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EWF406

Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

PALETTE: DecoArt Americana
DA194 Marigold
DA04 Sand
DA155 Soft Black
DA016 Burnt Orange
DA402 Gentle Heather
DA236 Grape Juice
DA017 Georgia Clay
DA392 Deep Ochre
DA160 Antique Maroon
DA07 Moon Yellow
DA373 Mermaid Tail
DA396 Poetic Plum
DA378 Purple Petal
DA366 Periwinkle

Princeton Brushes Heinz Jordan
Shader 1/4, 1/2, 3/8 Domed Stippler 1/8, 1/4
Liner 10/0
Round #0
Deerfoot 1/8, 1/4
Lunar Blender 1/8

Set of 4” x 4” coasters