Sun Bunny E-Pattern
Palette – Americana Acrylics
Black, Burnt Sienna, Dark Chocolate, Fawn, Hauser Green Dark, Hauser Green
Medium, Marigold, Oyster Beige, Peony Pink, Rookwood Red, and Titanium
I have listed the brushes I feel comfortable using but you should feel free to
substitute according to your preference.
#2-#8 Flat Shaders (your preference according to the area you are
shading/highlighting), liner brush (I used a #2 liner) to make the lines for the
sunflower stems, mop brush (for dry brushing the cheeks and ear), #4
LaCornelle #7500 Filbert (for the petals), an old scruffy brush for pouncing the
tail and 1” foam brush.
Other Supplies
Surface of your choice. I used a piece of pine I found in the wood pile. I
wonder what this would be like if it was enlarged and made into a floor cloth?
Delta Ceramcoat sealer (or whatever sealer you generally use).
Miscellaneous: Tracing paper, grey and light graphite, palette paper, paper
towels, stylus, eraser, sanding oval, saw tooth hanger for a flat surface and
water-based matte varnish for the flat surface.