Summer Days E-Pattern by Vicki Saum

Vicki Saum

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EVS48

PDF Download includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.

Surface: I painted this project on an old galvanized bucket that I purchased at a
flea market. Feel free to enlarge or reduce the pattern to fit your surface.
Supplies: DecoArt Americana paints: Baby Blue, Deep Midnight Blue, Desert
Cactus, Graphite, Honey Brown, Marigold, Milk Chocolate, Mink Tan, Oyster
Beige, Slate Grey, Turquoise Blue, Watermelon Slice, White Wash, Williamsburg
Blue, Winter Blue. Sticky dry wall tape, I bought mine at Ace Hardware, make-up
sponge or stencil brush, old rag and white vinegar for cleaning, sandpaper. Flat
white spray paint.
Mediums: Americana multi-purpose sealer, DecoArt Soft Touch Varnish.
Brushes: Assorted flats, angle shaders and liners. I use Dynasty Black Gold