Stars and Sheep E-Pattern
Designed and painted by Betty Bowers; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylic
Black, White, Butter, Hauser Med
Country Red, Butterscotch, Antique
Sable Brown, Lt Cinnamon, Russet
Bittersweet Chocolate DecoArt
Cream Wax ADM01
Brushes: Use your favorite brushes
¼”, ½” angular
#4, #8 flat ¼”stencil brush
Liner brush 1” flat brush
Old fan brush
Star stencil: Betty Bowers
Plastic plate 13” from Dollar Tree
Rust-Oleum Chalk spray paint, Chiffon Cream (Home Depot) Basic
painting supplies, paper towels, grey graphite
Black, White, Butter, Hauser Med
Country Red, Butterscotch, Antique
Sable Brown, Lt Cinnamon, Russet
Bittersweet Chocolate DecoArt
Cream Wax ADM01
Brushes: Use your favorite brushes
¼”, ½” angular
#4, #8 flat ¼”stencil brush
Liner brush 1” flat brush
Old fan brush
Star stencil: Betty Bowers
Plastic plate 13” from Dollar Tree
Rust-Oleum Chalk spray paint, Chiffon Cream (Home Depot) Basic
painting supplies, paper towels, grey graphite