Spring Has Sprung E-Pattern
E-Pattern by Vicki Saum includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.
Supplies: DecoArt Americana paints: Blue Mist, Spa Blue, Teal Green, Shale Green, Avocado, Light Avocado, Antique Rose, Burnt Sienna, Persimmon, Tomato Red, Traditional Raw Sienna, Toffee, Warm White, Graphite, Neutral Grey, Burnt Umber, Antique Gold, Lamp Black, Flesh Tone, Slate Grey. Americana multi- purpose sealer and Krylon Matte finish spray.
Surface of your choice, I chose an old fire extinguisher canister, I thing an old milk can or tall galvanized bucket would make a cute tree also. Assorted brushes, stylus and I like to use a fine point sharpie for lettering.