Special Deliveries E-Pattern

Sharon Bond

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-ESB121

E-Pattern is designed and painted by Sharon Bond; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions.

All parts sold separately.

Postage Stamp Ornaments – Available from www.cdwood.com – Item # 31-L355
All Paints are Americana Acrylics from DecoArt:
 Antique Maroon
 Antique White
 Black
 Black Green
 Black Plum
 Bleached Sand
 Blue Haven
 Cocoa
 Dove Grey
 Eggshell
 Espresso
 Fleshtone
 Hauser Dark Green
 Honey Brown
 Irish Moss
 Marigold
 Midnite Blue
 Natural Buff
 Rookwood Red
 Sable Brown
 Salem Blue
 Sand
 Tomato Red
 Warm White
Mediums from DecoArt:
 Americana Dry Time Extender
 Americana Matte Spray Finisher
 DuraClear Gloss Varnish
 Glamour Dust Glitter Paint – Ice Crystal
Papillon Brushes from Artist’s Club:
 Glaze/Wash Brush ¾” - #29002
 Round # 2 - # 20158
 Script Liner 10/0 - # 20137
 Angle Shader ¼” - # 20109
 Angle Shader 3/8 # 20110
 Flat Shader # 6 - # 20127
 Drybrush ¼” and ½” – from their Highlighter Set # 20173
Miscellaneous Supplies:
 Ultra-fine Permanent Black Marker(s) – Such as a Sharpie OR Black PITT Artist Pen, Superfine or Extra Superfine (for even finer lines) by Faber-Castell
 Christmas Background Cling Stamp – Available from www.cdwood.com – Item # 46-19480
 Specialty Sponge -comes in a set of 2, available from www.cdwood.com – item # 29-32227
 Ordinary Cling Wrap, such as Glad Wrap or Saran Wrap.
 String, ribbon or wire (optional) to use as a hanger