Seasonal Wash Board with Inserts E-Pattern
Patterns designed and painted by Betty Bowers; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Extended Information
DecoArt Americana
Black, White, Lt Buttermilk, Hauser Med Green, Olive Green, Black Forest Green, Deep Burgundy
Autumn Red, Antique White, Butterscotch, Raw Sienna, Burnt Orange, Persimmon, Spicy Mustard
Bright Orange, Black Plum, Bittersweet Chocolate, Lt Blue Haze, Uniform Blue, Mocha,
French Mauve, Pansy Lavender, Wasabi Green
DecoArt Neons Fiery Red
DecoArt All Purpose Sealer
DecoArt Matte Spray Sealer
Brushes: Artist Club 800-845-6507
¼”, ½”, 1” Flat
¼”, ½” angular
18/0 script liner
Scrumbler brush
Wash board, Check Stencil:
Artist Club