Season Sampler E-Pattern
Palette – Americana Acrylics
DA03 Buttermilk
DA016 Burnt Orange
DA063 Burnt Sienna
DA065 Dark Chocolate
DA089 Cool Neutral
DA128 Deep Burgundy
DA166 Deep Midnight Blue
DA242 Fawn
DA133 Hauser Dark Green
DA131 Hauser Light Green
DA067 Lamp Black
DA051 Leaf Green
DA194 Marigold
DA07 Moon Yellow
DA01 Snow (Titanium White)
I have listed the brushes I feel comfortable using but you should feel free to substitute
according to your preference.
Shaders - #2 to #8.
Leow-Cornell 7330 curved flat brushes (I used #6, 10 and #12). Love them for
Small filbert (#2).
Liner brush – I used a #2 round – use whatever brush you need to achieve the line size
you need.
Other Supplies
Graphite paper
Clear plastic ruler
Americana Matte Finish Spray sealer
Tracing paper
Surface: I used a flat round 13 inch paper mache box with lid (,
item #28-0103 (the largest of a set of 3 flat round boxes). The design itself is a little
bit over 9 inches square.
Sanding oval