Poinsettia and Berries E-Pattern By Donna Hodson

Donna Hodson

$ 8.00 
SKU: 04-EDH053

E-Pattern by Donna Hodson includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.

SURFACE: Hexagon shaped canvas with 6” sides found at Hobby Lobby. This would also fit on an 8” x 10”, 9” x 12”, or a 10” square surface. Feel free to enlarge or reduce for other surfaces.
PAINT: DecoArt Americana Acrylic
Avocado, Berry Red, Burnt Umber, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow, Cranberry Wine, Fiery Red (NEON), Grey Sky, Graphite, Hauser Light green, Hauser Medium Green, Macha or Olive Green, Plantation Pine, Scarlet (or another orangey red), Snow White, Tomato Red, Zinc
Note: I like to use Tomato Red as it covers well but substitute another bright red if desired.
1” wash
¾” Champagne Moon Filbert #435 by Scharff or similar brush
Assorted flats sizes 2-10 for base coating elements
Size 2 filbert or round
Script liners sizes 1, 2, 18/0 or 6/0
Spatter brush
½” angle or what you float with
Optional: Dry brush
Gesso for canvas
Palette knife
Tracing paper
Grey and white graphite
Varnish of choice (I like either JoSonja’s Polyurethane Matte Varnish or DuraClea Matte varnish by DecoArt
Optional: Circle Template TRU-circle Junior NO TD425 or Staedler 977-110 Combo Circle Template. I used this to make perfect circles when transferring the berries.
Usual acrylic supplies