Peppermouse Ride E-Pattern By Donna Hodson

Donna Hodson

$ 8.00 
SKU: 04-EDH040

E-Pattern by Donna Hodson includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.

SURFACE: Lacy Top Rectangle Plaque, 5” x 8 ½”. Design portion is 3” x 7 5/8”. This is available at Mine was purchased at Bear With Us but they are out of business. This is adaptable to other surfaces. Enlarge or reduce as desired.
PAINT: DecoArt Americana Acrylic
Burnt Umber, Cobblestone (or Driftwood), Colonial Blue, Deep Midnight Blue, Graphite, Hauser Medium Green, Lamp Black, Leaf Green (or Holly Green, Kelly Green), Midnight Green (or Black Green), Snow White, Tomato Red, Uniform Blue, Winter Blue.
12 or 14 flat or ¾” wash for base coating
Sizes 1, 2, and 4 flats, good quality
Old size 2 flat for painting fir trees
00 and 18/0 script liners
¼” or size 2 deerfoot stippler
½” angle or what you float with
Sand paper 220 if using a wood surface
600 wet/dry sandpaper or 3M P320 Flexible Sandpaper or piece of brown paper sack
¾” Scotch Magic Tape or Frog tape
Palette knife, stylus, and palette paper
Old grey and white graphite
Multi-Purpose Sealer by DecoArt
DuraClear Matte Vanish by DecoArt or choice
Red ribbon or cord to hang, or small stand for displaying ornament
Usual Acrylic Supplies