My Winter Garden E-Pattern By Donna Hodson

Donna Hodson

$ 8.00 
SKU: 04-EDH041

E-Pattern by Donna Hodson includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.

The 5” x 10” Masonite plaque is available at Feel free to enlarge or reduce for other sizes and surfaces.
You can also separate the snowmen for individual ornaments.
PAINT: DecoArt Americana Acrylic
Antique Gold, Baby Blue, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Cadmium Yellow, Canyon Orange, Coral Blush, Deep Midnight Blue, Desert Turquoise, Dioxazine Purple, Hauser Light Green, Hauser Dark Green, Indian Turquoise, Lamp Black, Lavender, Moon Yellow, Prussian Blue, Raw Sienna, Spa Blue, Snow White, Terra Cotta, Tomato Red, Uniform Blue, Winter Blue
1” wash
Sizes 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 flats
½” angle
Size 1 round
6/0 script liner
Spatter brush
3/8” stipple brush or Maxine’s Mop
Multi-Purpose Sealer by DecoArt
3M: P320 Flexible Sandpaper available at home improvement stores
220 fine sandpaper if using wood
Varnish of your choice. I used JoSonja’s Polyurethane Matte Varnish
Small and medium balled stylus.
Tracing paper
Older grey graphite
12” length of 18-20 gauge silver wire for hanging or other cord of your choice.
Wire cutters
Small needle nosed pliers
Usual acrylic supplies