Ms. Iza Cackle E-Pattern

Betty Bowers

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EBB8053

Patterns designed and painted by Betty Bowers; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Extended Information

Palette: Deco Art Americana Chalk Paint
Carbon, Everlasting, Vintage, Remembrance, Treasure
Enchanted, Inheritance, Cameo, Heritage, Heirloom
Brushes: Artist Club 800-845-6507
#4, #6, #10 shader
¼”, ½” angular
#6 Filbert
18/0, 1 liner
1” wash
Stencil brush
Surface: Wood Plaque Large, 13” X 6 ½”,
BCS 254 Curly background stencil:
Additional supplies:
Basic painting supplies, paper towels, sanding disc, tracing paper
Graphite, 19 gauge wire, palette, water basin, rag strip or ribbon
for bow,