Mon Petit Bizet E-Pattern
Stabilo CarbOthello Pastel Pencils (
100 Titanium White
105 Ivory
365 Violet Light
435 Ultramarine Blue Light
440 Sky Blue
575 Leaf Green
585 Olive Green
610 Raw Umber
625 Burnt Umber
635 Bister
642 Caput Mortuum Violet Light
681 Flesh Tint Light
726 Cold Gray 4
750 Neutral Black
Caran d’ache Pastel Pencils (
009 Black
044 Terracotta
046 Cassel Earth
047 Bistre
064 Medium Russet
068 Herculanum Red
093 Violet Gray
140 Ultramarine
408 Dark Sepia
631 Light Ultramarine Violet
746 Dark Flesh 50
901 Chinese White
Bruynzeel Pastel Pencils (
27 Yellow Ochre
Soft Pastel Rembrant (
202,9 Deep Yellow
231,3 Gold Ochre
408,7 Raw Umber
Surface Sheet pastelmat 21 x 35 grey The photo of the cat was small and I enlarged it. You can enlarge or reduce it to a size you choose.