Mixed Media Hydrangeas E-Pattern
E-Pattern by Sandy McTier includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.
(Available at www.cdwood.com)
Scallop Dome Plaque
#31-L100 7” x 13” x 1/8”
Dynasty Black Gold Brushes:
(Available from www.thebrushguys.com; use promo code: sandymc for an additional discount!)
3/4" Flat #12 Flat #8 Flat
3/8" Angle liner brush of choice 1/2" Dynasty Stencil Brush
M2 Stencils:
(Available from www.SandyMcTierDesigns.com)
M2-2 (for the background)
M2-11 (polka dots)
DecoArt Stencil:
(Available from www.DecoArt.com)
DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics:
Dioxazine Purple Cobalt Blue Hue Titanium White
Sap Green Green Gold Cobalt Teal Hue
Carbon Black Paynes Gray Titan Buff
Quinacridone Gold
DecoArt Media Mediums & Varnish:
Multi-Purpose Sealer
Gesso – White
Soft-Touch Varnish - Matte
Other Supplies:
Water Basin Pen or Stylus Transfer Paper
Palette Paper Palette Knife Paper Towels (I prefer Viva paper towels)
Baby Wipes Ribbon to Hang