Madeleine (Pen and Ink) E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey

Wendy Fehey

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EWF099

Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

 PALETTE: Deco Art Americana

DA195 Bittersweet Chocolate

DA172 Black Plum

DA130 Raw Umber

DA152 Shale Green

DA067 Lamp Black

DA157 Black Green

DA04 Sand

DA078 Flesh Tone

DA137 Shading Flesh

DA093 Raw Sienna

DA303 Pebble (for frame)

Antiquing and Stain Medium (gel) 

BRUSHES: Dynasty Black Gold by FM Brushes (Series 206)

Flat Wash: 3/4”, 1 or 2” brush (for frame)

Shader: #8, #12

Fan: #4


DecoArt Matte Spray

Permanent marking pen (I like to have assorted sizes available.)

7x14” Mat Board


Frame 11.5 x 18.5" with Mat Board Insert 7 x 14" (PS208 available

DecoArt Jacobean stencil

Rubbing Alcohol

Masking tape and old towel or cloth

Matte Varnish (or varnish of your choice)

Kitchen Scrubby Pad (often green)