Lovely Lilacs E-Pattern By Donna Hodson
E-Pattern by Donna Hodson includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.
SURFACE: Rectangular photo box that measures 7 ½” x 11” on the top. This can be adapted easily to an 8” x 10” surface. Reduce or enlarge for other surfaces.
PAINT: DecoArt Americana Acrylic:
Antique Gold, Avocado, Buttermilk, Dioxazine Purple, Grape Juice, Hauser Light Green, Hauser Medium Green, Lavender, Light Buttermilk, Macha or Olive, Plantation Pine, Purple Petal, Snow White
Note: Use other purple values if desired other than Dioxazine Purple. You just need dark, medium, and light values that blend together.
SUGGESTED BRUSHES: 1” wash, ½” angle, size 2 filbert or size 2 round, size 6-10 flats, size 00 or 6/0 script liner, size 2 script liner, spatter brush. Your favorite brushes.
Paint Adhesion Medium or Multi-Purpose Sealer both by DecoArt
Corner stencil of choice. I used Royal Tiles TS07 by Americana
Old grey graphite
Cosmetic wedge or stencil brush
Varnish of choice. I prefer JoSonja’s Polyurethane Matte Varnish
Usual acrylic supplies