Love is All Around E-Pattern

Sue Cochrane

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-ESCO133

This digital PDF E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

DecoArt Americana Acrylics
Antique Mauve, Arbor Green, Black Plum, Forest Green, French Mauve, Mocha, Neutral Grey, Warm
Royal & Langnickel, Majestic Paintbrushes in Series R4160 Nos. ½” Angular Shaders; Series R4595
Nos. 5/0 Liner; Series R4150 Nos. 2,4,6,10 Shaders

Scalloped Dome Placque, Item No. 31-L214,
DecoArt Americana Duraclear Varnish (Matte)
DecoArt Americana Gel Stains (Walnut)
DecoArt Americana Multi-Purpose Sealer
Removable Scotch Tape by 3M
Miscellaneous: eraser, palette paper (waxed), paper towels, sandpaper (#400 grit), stylus, tack cloth,
tracing paper, water container, white and gray graphite paper