Little Ray of Sunshine E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey

Wendy Fehey

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EWF100

Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.


 PALETTE: Deco Art Americana

DA165 Napa Red

DA095 Neutral Grey

DA067 Lamp Black

DA093 Raw Sienna

DA259 Cocoa

DA172 Black Plum

DA161 Graphite

DA147 Antique Green

DA157 Black Green

DA052 Avocado*

DA254 Avocado Dip

DA0114 Cadmium Orange

DA015 Cadmium Red

DA012 Tangerine

DA010 Cadmium Yellow

DA03 Buttermilk

DA07 Moon Yellow

DA191 Camel

BRUSHES: Dynasty Black Gold by FM Brushes (Series 206)

Wash: 3/4

Shader: #2, #8, #10, #12

Liner: #10/0

Round: #1, #2

Oval Wash: #1/4, #1/2


Multi-purpose Sealer

Patio Paint Clear Coat

Landscaping Stone, rock or 14 x 14” Canvas

White and Dark Transfer

Paper Towels

Disposable Palette