Little Chicklet By E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey

Wendy Fehey

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EWF258

Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.


 PALETTE: Deco Art Americana DA186 French Mauve DA155 Soft Black DA07 Moon Yellow DA044 Desert Turquoise DA01 Snow White DA156 Antique Rose DA162 Antique Mauve DA259 Cocoa DA184 French Vanilla DA052 Avocado DA211 Soft Lilac DA305 Whispering Turquoise DA197 Violet Haze DA257 Bleached Sand DA063 Burnt Sienna DA192 Pink Chiffon DA171 Driftwood 

BRUSHES: Dynasty Black Gold by FM Brushes (Series 206) Shader: #2, #8, #12 Wash: ¾” Round: #0, #2 Liner: #10/0 Filbert: #2 Tracy Morrow Dry Brush set

SUPPLIES: Easter Spring Basket BX158 (available at DS17 Multi-Purpose Sealer 1/4” green painter’s/masking tape Scotch tape (not shiny)