Let Freedom Wave E-Pattern

Jane Allen

$ 7.00 
SKU: 04-EJA017

PDF includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Della and Company Folk Art Tin
Folk Art Tin
FT-2300 Sending basket oval divided 12” x 8” x 6”
DecoArt Americana Acrylics: Autumn Red, Baby Blue, Black Plum, Bleached Sand, Blue Harbor, Jack-O’-Lantern Orange, Raw Sienna, Sapphire, Spicy Mustard, Violet Haze, Warm White, Wisteria
DecoArt Multi-Purpose Sealer; Americana Matte Sealer/Finisher
Loew-Cornell La Corneille Golden Taklon: #1, #2 round (Series 7000), #10/0, #2/0 liner (Series 7350), 1/2" angular shader
Miscellaneous: dishwashing soap, Chacopaper blue transfer paper, medium-grit sandpaper, stylus, paper towels, paper palette, water basin, old tooth brush