Lamb Family Farms by Lonna Lamb E-Pattern
Designed by Lonna Lamb; E-Pattern comes as a downloadable PDF file and includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Supplies: Water Basin Palette paper Paper Towels Stylus Tracing Paper Graphite paper Grey & White Pencil or pen Misting bottle Fine sanding pad Artist Sponge Stippling Sponge
Surface: 12" Palette Plaque 31-L475 or a 12" Wood Plate from Hobby Lobby
You may reduce or enlarge the pattern to fit your surface.
Artist Sponge
Stippling Sponge
Tri Eraser
Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics
Aloe DA364
Burnt Umber DA064
Cadmium Orange DA014
Cadmium Red DA015
Coca DA259
Cranberry Wine DA112
Dried Clay DA356
Hauser Dark Green DA133
Lamp Black Da067
Milk Chocolate Da174
Olive Green DA056
Pumpkin DA013
Plum Suede DA360
Snow White DA01
Soft Black DA155
Summer Squash DA363
Tuscan Red DA265
16, 12, 10 & 6 Flats, 1/4" Flat Comb, 1/2" Filbert Rake, 1 & 4 Round, 10/0 Liner, 1/2 Mop
Mediums: DecoArt
DuraClear Satin Varnish DS21, Multi Purpose Seale DS17r, Glazing Medium DS18