Kirstin (Glass Painting) E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey

Wendy Fehey

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EWF109

Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fehey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.


 PALETTE: Delta Ceramcoat Glass Paint

45 852 0202 Surface Conditioner

45 831 0202 Clear Gloss Glaze

45 001 Royal Purple

45 032 Hunter Green

45 002 Lilac Lace

45 004 Chocolate

45 115 Bordeaux

45 034 Black

45 121 Marshmallow

45 028 Dusty Pink

BRUSHES: Dynasty Black Gold by FM Brushes (Series 206)

Shader: #4, #10

Round: #2

Filbert: #2


Wine Glasses or surface of your choice. have done this on glass coffee mugs; a real hit for Mother’s day!