Jangles E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey
Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
PALETTE: Deco Art Americana DHS4 Fiery Red DA129 True Red DA067 Lamp Black DA174 Milk Chocolate DA172 Black Plum DA064 Burnt Umber DA171 Driftwood DA195 Bittersweet Chocolate DA156 Antique Rose DA137 Shading Flesh DA078 Flesh Tone DA071 Glorious Gold
BRUSHES: Dynasty Black Gold by FM Brushes (Series 206) Shader: #6, #8, #10, #12 Liner: #10/0 Scruffy Brush (for dry brushing)
SUPPLIES: Jangles cut out # PS195 available from www.wendysway.ca Sakura Quickie Glue Pen Glue Gold and Red Glitter (Optional) Jingle Bell 6 inches of 1/4” red ribbon