HoBo Snowman E-Pattern By Sandra Malone

Sandra Malone

$ 7.00 
SKU: 04-ESMA43

PDF download comes with color photo, instructions and detailed drawings. All parts sold separately.


Suggest Surface:  #31-L154 10" Henry Plaque

Deco Art Americana Acrylics
Antique Maroon Natural Buff
Blue Chiffon Peaches’n Cream
Colonial Blue Plantation Pine
Cotton Candy Purple Rain
Dark Chocolate Santa Red
Deep burgundy Terra Coral
Espresso Tangelo Orange
Foliage Green Traditional Burnt Umber
Hauser Medium Green Uniform Blue
Lamp (Ebony) Black Wasabi Green
Light Avocado Warm White
Wild Orchid
Winter Blue
Sled or Surface of your Choice
Misc. Supplies:
Sanding Block
Tracing Paper
Graphite Paper-Light or Dark
Deco Art Americana Sealer/Finisher-Matte or sealer of your choice
Shader Size 2; 4; 6; 8; 10
Liner brush