HO HO HO E-Pattern
Patterns designed and painted by Betty Bowers; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Extended Information
Palette: DEcoArt Americana AcrylicBlack, Soft Black, White, Flesh Tone, Winter
Victorian Blue, French Grey Blue, Country Red
Heritage Brick
DecoArt Gel Stain Oak
DecoArt Decou-Page Antique DS121
DecoArt Matte Spray Sealer # 70836
Surface and 2015 Winter Stencil:
Betty Bowers 803-286-5505
Suggested Brushes:
Artist Club 800-845-6507
¼”, ½” Angular
#20135 shader set
18/0 Liner
#6 filbert
1/8”, 3/8” Dome brush
#6, #10 filbert
Additional Supplies:
Basic Painting supplies Paper towels
Palette Graphite
Tracing paper Stylus
Sand paper Tack cloth
Wire covered with Kraft paper Pencil
Scrap book paper
Optional: 2015 Winter Stencil (see above)