Here Kitty, Kitty (Halloween Chair) By E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey
Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
PALETTE: Deco Art Americana DA194 Marigold DA257 Bleached Sand DA132 Hauser Medium Green DA131 Hauser Light Green DA147 Antique Green DA067 Lamp Black DA113 Plantation Pine DA157 Black Green DA042 Baby Blue DA016 Burnt Orange DA101 Dioxazine Purple DA254 Avocado Dip DA238 Canyon Orange DA080 Russet DA012 Tangerine DA095 Neutral Grey DA130 Raw Umber DA010 Cadmium Yellow DA044 Desert Turquoise DA085 Midnite Blue DA175 Plum DAS1 DecoArt Drying Time Extender Medium
BRUSHES: Dynasty Black Gold by FM Brushes (Series 206) Wash: 3/4 Shader: #12, #10, #8, #6 Liner: #10/0 Round: #0 Fan: #4 ¼ Comb: Black Silver by Dynasty 4945 Tracy Moreau Dry Brushes
SUPPLIES: A chair, stool, old bench, pail or milk can. Your choice, have fun!! DecoArt Americana Multi-Purpose Sealer DecoArt Americana Patio Paint Clear Coat (if your piece is for outside) DecoArt DuraClear Matte Finish (if your piece is NOT for outside) Laurie Speltz Stencils: Stars: #CS160 / Bats: #BCS112 (Available from Stockade Supplies, or from the Creative Coach herself!!) Stylus