Harvest Harvey E-Pattern
Designed by Sharon Cook; E-Pattern comes as a downloadable PDF file and includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Palette by DecoArt:
Americana Acrylics Craft Twinkles
DA255 Bahama Blue
DA172 Black Plum
DA257 Bleached Sand
DA110 Blush Flesh
DA234 Calypso Blue
DA259 Cocoa
DA021 Crimson Tide
DA065 Dark Chocolate
DA082 Evergreen
DA242 Fawn
DA017 Georgia Clay
DA132 Hauser Medium Green
DA067 Lamp (Ebony) Black
DA194 Marigold
DA007 Moon Yellow
DA095 Neutral Grey
DA013 Pumpkin
DA130 Raw Sienna
DA097 Rookwood Red
DA099 Sapphire
DA068 Slate Grey
DA155 Soft Black
DA196 Tangelo Orange
DA059 Toffee
DCT05 Christmas Red
DCT16 Lime Green
DS17 Americana Multi-
Purpose Sealer
DS21 DuraClear Satin
DS3 Brush and Stencil
Grey and white transfer paper
Either two wooden stands–or–one sawtooth hanger
Brush tub or basin
Household GOOP OR E-6000
Brushes by Loew-Cornell:
La Corneille Round Stroke, Size 6 (Series 7040)
La Corneille Jackie Shaw Liner, Size 10/0 (Series JSC)
La Corneille Glaze/Wash, Size 1/2” (Series 7550)
La Corneille Angular Shader, Size 1/2” (Series 7400)
Fabric scrubber (tapered round) Sizes 8, 12, 14 (Series Fab)