Happy Thanksgiving E-Pattern by Lonna Lamb

Lonna Lamb

$ 8.00 
SKU: 04-ELL066

Designed by Lonna Lamb; E-Pattern comes as a downloadable PDF file and includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.


size 10 ½” x 5 ½” or surface of your choice You may reduce or enlarge the pattern to fit your surface.

Project Supplies: 

Water Basin

Palette paper

Paper Towels


Tracing Paper

Graphite paper White

Pencil or pen

Misting bottle


Fine sanding pad

2” Foam Roller

Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics 

Antique Gold DA09

Black Green DA157

Blue Harbor DA283

Burnt Orange DA016

Buttermilk DA03

Cadmium Orange DA014

Cadmium Yellow DA010

Dark Chocolate DA065

Hauser Light Green DA131

Honey Brown DA163

Lamp Black DA067

Light Avocado DA106

Moon Yellow DA07

Olive Green DA056

Snow White DA01

Soft Black DA155

Sour Apple DA275

Spiced Pumpkin DA310

Tangelo Orange DA196

Tomato Red DA169

Ultra Blue Deep DA100 

Brushes by Loew-Cornell

10 & 12 Flat Shader 7300

6 & 10 Curved Flat 7330

10/0Script Liner 7050

½” Maxines Mop 270

Brushes by Royal 

¾” Filbert 3950

2/0 Liner 3250

4 Scrumbler 4050

Brushes by Winsor Newton 

1 & 4 Winsor Newton Round 111

Mediums: DecoArt 

DuraClear Satin Varnish DS21

Multipurpose Sealer DS17

Extender DAS1