Happy Flowers E-Pattern
E-Pattern is designed and painted by Sharon Bond; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Palette: Americana Acrylics by DecoArt:
Antique Maroon
Blue Harbor
Blue Haven
Boysenberry Pink
Burnt Orange
Canyon Orange
Cotton Candy
Country Blue
Hauser Dark Green
Hauser Medium Green
Irish Moss
Lamp Black
Moon Yellow
Ocean Blue
Olive Green
Rookwood Red
Royal Purple
Salem Blue
Tomato Red
Warm White
Watermelon Slice
Wild Orchid
Surface: Oblong Plaque – # 63160 – Available from www.artistsclub.com
Supplies: Americana Acrylic Matte Spray Finisher
Americana Drying Time Extender (to aid with shading)
Identi Pen Black Or Ultra Fine Black Sharpie
Small Mister Bottle for water
Stylus Tool (optional, but helpful with dots)
Brushes: Papillon by the Artist’s Club:
Angular Shader ¼”, # 20109
Glaze/Wash Brush ¾ # 29002
Highlighter Set (4 piece) - # 20173 (The ¼” and ½” sizes were used.)
Round 2, # 20158
Script Liner 10/0, # 20137
Shader 6, # 20127