Give Thanks E-Pattern
Designed and painted by Sharon Bond; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Half Moon Door Crown - # 102529 – Available from:
DecoArt Easy Float - DS20
Americana Matte Spray Finisher – DAS13
Ultra-fine Permanent Black Marker – (I just use an Ultra-fine Sharpie, available at most stores!)
In this project, I also used an Ultra-fine Permanent Brown Marker, also a Sharpie that was bought from
my local Stapes store. If this is not available to you, just use your Black marker for all of the outlining to
complete the project.
Tracy Moreau’s Leafy Mesh Motif Stencil #ST0024 – available from
All paints are DecoArt Americana Acrylics:
Burnt Orange – DA 016
Burnt Sienna – DA 063
Butterscotch – DA 295
Canyon Orange – DA 238
Cashmere Beige – DA 091
Hauser Medium Green – DA 132
Honey Brown - DA 163
Lamp Black – DA 067
Marigold – DA 194
Milk Chocolate – DA 174
Russet – DA 080
Terra Cotta – DA 062
Toffee – DA 059
Tomato Red – DA 169
Traditional Burnt Umber – DA 221
Warm White – DA 239
All Brushes are Papillon Brushes available from
Glaze/Wash Brush ¾” Item # 20102 for basecoating
Liner Brush 10/0 Item # 20145 for details
Round Brush size 2 Item # 20158
Angular Shader ¼” Item # 20109
Angular Shader 3/8” Item # 20110
Flat Shader size 6 Item # 20127 (for basecoating smaller parts)
Flat Shader size 10 Item # 20130 (for basecoating smaller parts)
Highlighter Brush size ½” Item # 20173 for drybrushing