Gingers and Prims E-Pattern
E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Color Palette:
Delta Ceramcoat Acrylics:
-Golden Brown -Raw Sienna
-Burnt Umber -Light Ivory
-Charcoal -Straw
-Barn Red -Medium Foliage Green
-Dark Foliage Green -Light Foliage Green
-Black Green
Mixed Colors: -2:1 Barn Red/Charcoal
-1:1 Barn Red/Charcoal
Supplies: Wood Wall Hanging (about 5” x 8”) or other surface
Fine Grit Sandpaper
Tack Cloth
Delta Ceramcoat All-Purpose Sealer
Graphite Paper & Stylus
Pen and/or Pencil
Masking Tape
Tracing Paper
Water Container and Brushes
Delta Ceramcoat Matte Exterior/Interior Varnish
Metal Saw Tooth Picture Hanger
Brushes: Choose the brand based on affordability and what you
prefer but, the Sizes you may need are #4 Filbert, # 2 Filbert, ¼” Mini
Mop, #10/0 Liner, and large base-coating brush.