Gingerbread Flakes E-Pattern

Betty Bowers

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EBB5071

Patterns designed and painted by Betty Bowers; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Extended Information

DecoArt Americana
Black, White, Camel, Tomato Red, Calypso Blue.
Hauser Lt Green, Hauser Med Green, Victorian Blue, Lt
Buttermilk, Lt Cinnamon, Cocoa
DecoArt Glamour Dust
DecoArt Starlite topcoat Glitter paint
DecoArt Gel Stain: your choice of color: optional
DecoArt Matte Spray Sealer
Artist Club 360-260-8900
Shader #2,#4,#6
Angular ¼”, ½”
Script 18/0
Liner 1
Stippler or Scumbler brush
Snowflake ornaments: 
Betty Bowers 803-286-5505
Additional Supplies:
Basic painting supplies Cord for hangers
Tracing paper Stylus,