General Store Chicken E-Pattern
Patterns designed and painted by Betty Bowers; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Palette: Deco Art Americana Acrylic
Black, White, Bittersweet Chocolate, Lt
Parchment, Antique Gold, Traditional Burnt
Sienna (TBS)
Black Plum, Wedgewood Blue, Deep Burgundy
Other Deco Art Products:
Neons Fiery Red
Deco Art Dura Clear Matte Varnish DS60
Deco Art All Purpose Sealer
DSA221 Palette Knife
DS109 Deco Art Texture Paste
Stencils: Deco Art
ASC04 Brocade & Berry Border
ASMM43 Fenced In (wire)
Surface: 18” X 24” canvas
Suggested Brushes: Papillon by Artist Club
201278 #4, #6 shader 20165 #10 round
20132 #10, #14 shader 20162 #5 round
20118 #12 filbert 20130 #10 shader
20111 ½” angular 2” flat brush
20102 1” wash brush
#9003 5/8” dome brush,
Other supplies:
Basic painting supplies, Transfer Paper, Water
Palette, Graphite paper, Stylus, Paper towels,
paper, Pencil, tissue paper
Other stencils: several sizes of star stencil,
½” check stencil
Mini dot stenci