Fruit Boxes E-Pattern 04-EBB6029
Patterns designed and painted by Betty Bowers; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Extended Information
Palette: Deco Art SoSoft Fabric paint
White, Lamp Black, Soft Red, Christmas Red
Cadmium Orange, Peaches & Cream, Avocado Green
Christmas Green, Antique Gold, Burnt Sienna, Mocha
Dioxazine Purple, True Blue, Dark Chocolate, Grey Sky
Deco Art Americana: Hauser Dark Green
Deco Art Glamour Dust
Deco Art Star Lite Topcoat
Brushes: Artist Club
18/0 liner
#6 flat
2F fabric
Small mop
Stippler brush that is round on the end, not flat
Bags: about 3” X 5” Betty Bowers, 803-286-5505
Additional Supplies:
Basic Painting supplies Tracing paper
Graphite Wax paper
Optional: Muslin for bags & heavy crochet thread