Four Seasons Tissue Box E-Pattern by Barbara Bunsey
Four Seasons Tissue Box E-Pattern by Barbara Bunsey includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.
- Antique Green
- Antique White
- Avocado Dip
- Brandy Wine
- Camel
- Cranberry Wine
- Lamp Black
- Midnite Green
- Mustard Seed
- Plantation Pine
- Rookwood Red
- Traditional Burnt Sienna
- Traditional Burnt Umber
- Traditional Raw Sienna
- True Ochre
- Uniform Blue
Loew-Cornell 7000 series: ½” & 3/4" oval wash; #2 round; #16 & #12 shader;#6 & #8 filbert; #0 liner; #6e #8e & #10 liner; #272S & #272-L dome; 1/2" mop(optional). The mop can be used to soften any floats as necessary.
Special Supplies:
Denatured alcohol; spritzer bottle and/or fan brush.