Farmers Market Fresh Eggs E-Pattern by Lonna Lamb

Lonna Lamb

$ 8.00 
SKU: 04-ELL092

Designed by Lonna Lamb; E-Pattern comes as a downloadable PDF file and includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Supplies:  Water Basin  Palette paper  Paper Towels  Stylus  Tracing Paper  Graphite paper Grey & White  Pencil or pen  Misting bottle  Fine sanding pad  Artist Sponge  Makeup Sponge  Scrapbook Paper (optional)

Suggested Surface:  #31-L257 11-1/2" Henry Plaque

Medium Chippendale Surface SU121
You may reduce or enlarge the pattern to fit your surface.
 Artist Sponge TO106
 Tri Eraser TO104
 Farmers Market Fresh Eggs Stencil STL135
 Lonna's Favorite Chalk Pencil TO103
 Chicken Wire Stencil STL136
Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics
 Alizarin Crimson DA179
 Burnt Sienna DA063
 Buttermilk DA03
 Cadmium Yellow DA010
 Country Red DA018
 Cool White DA240
 Moon Yellow DA07
 Raw Sienna DA093
 Snow White DA01
 Soft Black DA155
 Tangelo Orange DA196