Dusted in Pollen E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey
Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
PALETTE: Deco Art Americana
DA195 Bittersweet Chocolate
DA052 Avocado
DA157 Black Green
DA131 Hauser Light Green
DA306 Soft Heather
DA124 Purple Petal
DA150 Royal Purple
DA174 Milk Chocolate
DA067 Lamp Black
DA194 Marigold
DA07 Moon Yellow
DA095 Neutral Grey
DA239 Warm White
DA068 Slate Grey
DS140 DuraClear Iridescent Turquoise Varnish (for wings)
ADCS15 Décor Color Stain – Turquoise (for surface)
ADM15-36 DecoArt Americana Clear Coat (adds a durable, protective top coat to home décor pieces for outdoor use)
Color Substitutions for Black & White version!
FLOWER CENTERS - Same as Above
BEE BODIES - Same as Above
BEE WINGS – Same as Above and SKIP the Iridescent Turquoise Varnish
LEAVES – Graphite (Avocado), Grey (Hauser Light Green), Black (Black Green) and SKIP the Royal Purple tint
FLOWERS – Grey Sky (Purple Petal), White (Soft Heather), Neutral Grey (Royal Purple)
DOTS – Black (Royal Purple)
SURFACE - ADCS21 Décor Color Stains - Charcoal
BRUSHES: Princeton Brushes
Flat Wash: 3/4"
Shader: #12, #8
Liner: #1
Lunar Blender: 1”
Deerfoot: 1/4”, 1/2”
Script Liner: #1
Plank Slat Board 12” x 24” or Surface of choice
Large end stylus
Brush to apply stain
DecoArt Americana DECOR Color Stain – Turquoise ADCS15