Dogwood and Ivy E-Pattern By Donna Hodson
E-Pattern by Donna Hodson includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.
SURFACE: 10” X 10” Wood Art Panel available at SKU: 28-29840 and by Plaid found at
Walmart. A 10” square canvas will also work. This is available at Hobby Lobby. Enlarge or reduce for
other sizes.
PAINT: DecoArt Americana Acrylic
Antique Gold, Avocado, Black Green, Burgundy Wine (or another similar value), Burnt Umber, Cadmium
Yellow, Citron Green, Cranberry Wine, Hauser Light Green, Hauser Medium Green, Light Buttermilk,
Macha Green, Plantation Pine, Snow White, Terra Cotta, Traditional Burnt Umber
1” wash
¾” Moon Filbert Champagne by Scharff #435 or similar brush
½” angle
Sizes 6, 10 flats for base coating elements.
18/0, 00, and 1 script liners
Spatter Brush
Optional: Mop and small dry brush
Favorite brushes
11” x 14” sheet of tracing paper
Older white graphite
Palette knife
C-thru ruler
JoSonja’s All Purpose Sealer or Multi-Purpose Sealer by DecoArt
220 sand paper
600 wet/dry sand paper or piece of brown paper sack
Varnish of choice. My preference is JoSonja’s Polyurethane Matte or Dura-Clear Matte by DecoArt
Usual acrylic supplies