Dinner Plate Daisy E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey
Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
PALETTE: Deco Art Americana
DA329 Bright Salmon
DA097 Rookwood Red
DA384 Cactus Flower
DA398 Baby Blush
DA07 Moon Yellow
DA093 Raw Sienna
DA09 Antique Gold
DA405 Sunset Gold
DA130 Raw Umber
DA067 Lamp Black
DSS1 Stain/Antiquing Medium
DS60 DuraClear Matte Finish (varnish)
BRUSHES: Heinz Jordan
Shader: 3/4”, 5/8”, 1” (1” is used for outer edge shading)
Deerfoot: 1/2” or 3/8”
Domed Stippler: 3/8” (for stencil)
Large and Regular Stylus
12” x 48” Pine Board
Measuring tape and pencil
Luncheon size dinner plate
Filigree stencil and a ‘Welcome’ stencil