Cotswold Life E-Pattern

Mila Marchetti

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EMM119

Patterns designed and painted by Mila Marchetti; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
DecoArt - Americana Acrylics
 Avocado
 Baby Blue
 Burnt Orange
 Burnt Umber
 Camel
 Fawn
 Golden Straw
 Hauser Light Green
 Indian Turquoise
 Jade Green
 Light Buttermilk
 Light Mocha
 Limeade
 Mississippi Mud
 Neutral Grey
 Plantation Pine
 Primary Yellow
 Pumpkin
 Red Iron Oxide
 Shading Flesh
 Snow(Titanium)White
 Soft Black
Suggested Brushes
 Series 7550 Wash n. ¾ n. ½
 Series 7300C Shader n. 8
 Series 7500 Filbert n. 6, n.8, n.10
 Series 7000 Round n. 1
 Series DM Stippler n.1/4
 Series JS Mid Liner n. 10/0
 Series 270 Maxine’s Mop n. 3/8
 Wood rectangular box (8,3 x 6 x 2 inch. about)
 Gel Retarder (Jo Sonja’s)
 DecoArt Multi-Purpose Sealer
 Stylus