Cookies for Santa E-Pattern

Patricia Jarrett

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EPJ021

Downloadable PDF E-Pattern by Pat Jarrett includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Palette – Americana Acrylics – Multi-Surface Satin Paints
Black Tie, Brown Sugar, Cocoa Bean, Coffee Bean, Cotton Ball, Dark Scarlet and Turf Green.
I have listed the brushes I feel comfortable using but you should feel free to substitute according
to your preference.
Shaders: Size 2-8.
Round Liner: Size 2.
Leow-Cornell 7330 Curved Flat #6.
Other Supplies
Gray graphite paper.
9.5” plate (wooden, ceramic, or tin). I had purchased some white ceramic plates with an
embossed “Cookies for Santa” and used them.
Oval sander for wooden plate.
Rubbing alcohol for ceramic plate or even glass plate.
Americana Matte Finish Spray Sealer for wooden or tin plates.