Christmas Postage Stamp Ornaments E-Pattern

Becky Levesque

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EBL0057

Downloadable PDF E-Pattern by Becky Levesque includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Surface available from
Postage Stamp Ornament Item number 31-L355
Decoart Americana paint
 Avocado
 Black
 Burnt orange
 Burnt umber
 Camel
 Dk. Hauser Green
 Driftwood
 Flesh tone
 Grape Juice
 Honey brown
 Indian Turquoise
 Lt. buttermilk
 Lt. Hauser Green
 Mustard
 Napa red
 Neon Fiery Red
 Neutral Grey
 Orange Twist
 Peacock Teal
 Santa red
 Sea Breeze
 Shading flesh
 Whispering turquoise
 White
 Wisteria
 Dura Clear Satin Varnish

Specialty brushes:
½” Papillion comb brush from the Artist’s club. (you can find videos on You
Tube on how to use a comb/rake brush)
Stipple brush or an old worn out brush